Mittwoch, 19. August 2015

How to use different images and color maps on a same figure in MATLAB

  • Display different images on same figure
  • Display stack of images with same colormap
  • Display Stack of Images with different colormap

Display different images on same figure

Consider two different images. For instance, let us consider the picture of the cathedral in Milan and the logo of image processing blog. 

The image processing logo will be placed on the cathedral image using matlab command ‘imagesc’
I = imread('duomo.jpg');
L = imread('logo.jpg');
figure,imagesc(1,1,I);hold on;
imagesc(3400,1150,imresize(L,[900 900]));
hold off; axis off;

The size of ‘duomo.jpg’ is 2053  x     4320   x         3
i.e 2053 rows and 4320 columns
The size of ‘logo.jpg’ is 328 rows and 328 columns
First the image of the cathedral is displayed using ‘imagesc’ command then on the same figure the logo is placed by mentioning the position.
imagesc(3400,1150,imresize(L,[900 900]));

Here 3920,1650 represents the position to place the logo.
And the logo is resized to 900x900
Since we want to display the images on the same figure, ‘hold on’ command is used.
Display stack of images with single colormap
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
T = I;
Numimg = 5;
rng = [1,1];
for in=1:numimg 
  hold on;
  imagesc(rng(1),rng(2),T);colormap(gray);axis ij;
  rng = round(size(I)/(numimg*2)*in);

  fsz = size(I)-(rng*2);
  if fsz==0
      T = imresize(T,fsz)+1;

hold off; axis off;

Same image with different size and different starting position is placed on the same figure.
The colormap gray is used for all the images.

Fig. Colormap(jet)

Display Stack of Images with different colormap
I1 = imread('peppers.png');

I1 = imresize(I1,[400,400]);
I = rgb2gray(I1);

T = I+1;
%Predefined colormaps
Cname = {'hsv(256)','jet(256)','hot(256)','spring(256)','summer(256)','cool(256)','summer(256)','lines(256)'};
RGB = zeros([size(I,1) size(I,2) 3]);
Numimg = 7; %Number of Images to display
rng = [1 1];

for in=1:numimg-1

    %Define the colormap
    map1 = im2uint8(colormap(cname{in}));
    m = map1(:,1);
    RGB(:,:,1) = m(T);
     m = map1(:,2);
    RGB(:,:,2) = m(T);
     m = map1(:,3);
    RGB(:,:,3) = m(T);
    RGB = uint8(RGB);
hold on;
imagesc(rng(1),rng(2),RGB);axis ij;
rng = round(size(I)/(numimg*2)*in);

fsz = size(I)-(rng*2);
if fsz==0
T = imresize(T,fsz)+1;
clear RGB
I2 = imresize(I1,size(T));
imagesc(rng(1),rng(2),I2); %Actual Image
hold off;axis off;

Here same image with different size and different colormap is displayed on the same figure.
To increase or decrease the number of images, first try to resize the image accordingly and then modify the number of images to display.
The above method can also be used for different images and different color maps can be applied to those images on a single figure.


For More Images and code:
Check : Create Stack of Images notes in Facebook
            Create Stack of Images in Google Collections

K-means Clustering

       Clustering can be defined as the grouping of data points based on some commonality or similarity between the points.

         One of the simplest methods is K-means clustering. In this method, the number of clusters is initialized and the center of each of the cluster is randomly chosen. The Euclidean distance between each data point and all the center of the clusters is computed and based on the minimum distance each data point is assigned to certain cluster. The new center for the cluster is defined and the Euclidean distance is calculated. This procedure iterates till convergence is reached.
Let’s see how to generate some random data points and some random cluster points


%Generate sample data points and assign random centre for each cluster
%Number of data points

X = random('unid',sz1,[sz 1]); %Value
Xp = random('unid',sz1,[sz 1]); %Position

%Number of clusters
V=random('unid',sz1,[c 1]); %Value
Vp=random('unid',sz1,[c 1]); %Position

figure,plot(Xp,X,'*',Vp,V,'r+');title('Data points and the initial Cluster centers');

100 data points are generated and the number of clusters are assumed to be 6 and 6 random cluster points are generated.

Group the data points:

%Preallocate the vectors
while flag==1
%Find the euclidean distance between the data points and all the center of
%the clusters
J=sqrt(abs(repmat(Xp,[1 c])-repmat(Vp,[1 sz])').^2+abs(repmat(X,[1 c])-repmat(V,[1 sz])').^2);

%Find the minimum distance between the data point and the cluster
CGroup=zeros([sz c]);
for i = 1:c
    Temp = find(Gpos==i);
    %Define the new centre for each cluster
    plot(Pos,Value,'Color',colr(i,:),'LineStyle','-','Marker','o');hold on;
hold off;

%Iterate the process till there is no change in the cluster position
if(Diffv < 1)

figure,plot(Xp,X,'*',Vp,V,'g+');title('Data points and the Final Cluster centers');

Fig. The new position(red circle) of the clusters after the final iteration.


In the above figure, the data points are represented in blue color stars and the cluster centers are represented in red color cross shape.

Let’s consider one particular data point and all the cluster centers.

Data point position X = 13, Y = 20
Cluster 1 position  X = 8,  Y = 19
Cluster 2 position  X = 13, Y = 15
Step 1: Find the Euclidean Distance:
Find the Euclidean distance(D1) between data point and the cluster 1 similarly, find the Euclidean distance(D2) between data point and the cluster 2

Distance D1 = sqrt((13-8).^2+(20-19).^2)) = 5.0990
Distance D2 = sqrt((13-13).^2+(20-15).^2))= 5.0000

Step 2: Find the minimum and assign the data point to a cluster

Now the minimum distance among the two results is for the cluster 2.
So the data point with (X,Y)=(13,20) is assigned to the cluster/group 2.

Step 3: Perform the step 1 and step 2 for all the data points and assign group accordingly.

Step 4: Assign a new position for the clusters based on the clustering done.
        Find the average position of the newly assigned data points to a particular cluster and use that average as the new position for the cluster.       

Step 5: Iterate this procedure till the position of the clusters are unchanged.

Number of clusters = 3

 Number of clusters = 6

Number of clusters = 15

Freitag, 14. August 2015

Multilook Technique for speckle reduction

Consider a stack of images  affected by speckle noise of a same scene. 

In order to reduce the speckle, the availability of the stack of images can be utilized to obtain speckle reduced image.
In order to understand the multilook technique, let’s first generate noisy images and then apply speckle reduction.

Generate stack of noisy images:
1.      Read a noise free image
2.      Generate exponential noise with mean 1 and multiply it with the noise free image

3.      Repeat the process of generating exponential noise and multiplying  it with the noise free image to create stack of ‘n’ images

MATLAB code:
%Multilook - Speckle reduction

%Read a noisy free Image
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
I = double(I);
figure,imagesc(I);colormap(gray);title('Original Image');

[m, n] = size(I);
numofimg = 9;
Stack = zeros([m n numofimg]);

for i = 1:numofimg
    %Generate exponential noise
    %Multiply Noise free Image with noise


Random noise with exponential distribution is multiplied with the noise free image to generate image affected by speckle.

Fig: Probability Density Function (PDF) of the noise generated for ‘n’ images that follows exponential distribution.

Multilook(ML) Technique:
Multilook image is the average of the stack of images. This technique is used widely in the field of Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) to reduce speckle on the same scene but different acquisition periods.
The stack of data is created for the same scene but with different time of acquisition and ML is applied to reduce the speckle considerably since the noise on the single image will be quite high.

MATLAB code:
ML_image = mean(Stack,3);
figure,imagesc(Stack(:,:,1));colormap(gray);title('Single Noisy Image');
figure,imagesc(ML_image);colormap(gray);title('Multilook Image');


For instance, in the above shown image, consider the red dot as the pixel value of the first pixel position of each image in the stack. Add all the pixel values represented in red dot and divide by the number of images in the stack. Similarly, perform the average for the second pixel position (green dot) and so on and so forth for the whole image.

Matlab code ‘mean(Stack,3) ‘ finds the mean of the image in 3rd dimension and the final result is the Multilooked Image with reduced speckle.

Moving Average Filter:
In order to reduce speckle further, a moving average filter can be used.
Moving average filter of window size 3x3 and 5x5 is applied on the multilook image and window of size 3x3 on a single speckled image in order to appreciate the multilook technique performance.

MATLAB code:

box = ones(3)/9;
ML_avg3 = conv2(ML_image,box,'same');
figure,imagesc(ML_avg3);colormap(gray);title('Moving Average - Window 3 x 3');
box = ones(5)/25;
ML_avg5 = conv2(ML_image,box,'same');
figure,imagesc(ML_avg5);colormap(gray);title('Moving Average - Window 5 x 5');
box = ones(3)/9;
avg_flt = conv2(Stack(:,:,1),box,'same');
figure,imagesc(avg_flt);colormap(gray);title('Moving Average - Single Image');